Bisque Docker Environment Setup Instructions¶
Docker/Project Source¶
- Install docker (light weight VM) on you laptop:
- Instructions on installing bisque using docker
Create the Docker Image¶
Look into the UCSB-VRL/bisque-build repository on how to create Docker container images for development
- The container image has bisque server, docker & virtual environment pre-installed
- The child containers that will run modules, will use the host network since we are working with local IP addresses which are not resolved on development network environments.
Run Environment¶
- Setup folders & pull code (Only for modules since Bisque server codebase is already part of the container image being used in next step)
mkdir ws && cd ws && git clone mkdir container-modules container-data container-config && cp -r bisque/modules/* container-modules/
- Start Docker and mount directories for run
# Docker Run docker run --name bisque-dev --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 27000:27000 \ -v $(pwd)/container-modules:/source/modules \ -v $(pwd)/container-data:/source/data \ -v $(pwd)/container-config:/source/config \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --ipc=host \ --net=host \ 'vishwakarmarhl/ucsb-bisque05-svc:dev'
Alternately if you want an interactive log for docker run use the below command
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 27000:27000 \ -v $(pwd):/ws \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --mount source=bqvol,target=/ws/bqvol \ --ipc=host \ --net=host \ ucsb-bisque05-svc:dev
- Check Container state
bisque@ubuntu:~$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a1162677d66a vishwakarmarhl/ucsb-bisque05-svc:dev "/builder/run-bisque…" 13 minutes ago Up 13 minutes>8080/tcp,>27000/tcp bisque-dev
- Stop Docker
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=vishwakarmarhl/ucsb-bisque05-svc:dev --format="{{.ID}}")
- This will start the bisque docker/server
- Client Service
- Engine Service
- Module Service
- Features
Since we want to develop we should use the local IP address for all accesses
- Client Service
- Engine Service
Use "admin:admin" to authenticate into this local environment
- To manipulate and check logs, connect to docker bash
bisque-host$ docker exec -t -i bisque-dev /bin/bash
- Advanced environment for working with database URI as
- sqlite:///data/bisque.db
- postgresql://rahul:rahul@localhost/bqmurks58 or postgresql://dbhost:5432/bisque
docker run --name bisque-dev --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 27000:27000 \ -e BISQUE_DBURL=postgresql://rahul:rahul@localhost/bqmurks58 \ 'vishwakarmarhl/ucsb-bisque05-svc:dev'
Develop in Docker (Work In Progress !!)¶
Run the containerized bisque server as described in the first half of this document
- Use the dev docker image docker vishwakarmarhl/ucsb-bisque05-svc
- Bash into the docker container and develop
docker exec -it bisque-dev /bin/bash
- Activate environment and Test/Build a Module
root@9362d1f8bf12:/source# cd modules/MaskRCNN root@9362d1f8bf12:/source/modules/MaskRCNN# source /usr/lib/bisque/bin/activate root@9362d1f8bf12:/source/modules/MaskRCNN# python
- Verify Bisque Services
- Now you can add the MaskRCNN module from the manager interface and run a test
- In this test a MEX-ID will be assigned to this module run and corresponding code will be dumped in the staging folder
- Look for "docker_run" script in the "staging/
" folder. It has the following commands which you can use to run and debug your codebase - Script first creates the parameterized container command
docker pull CONTAINER=$(docker create --ipc=host python 15 0.05 admin:00-wRq68hGv5HTtr6mBsfM4CG)
- Thereafter it executes the parameterized container command
docker start $CONTAINER MODULE_RETURN=$(docker wait $CONTAINER) docker logs $CONTAINER
- In your test, while still in the staging folder you can directly use the "docker_run" script to run your module as follows
sh docker_run python \ \ 15 0.05 \ \ admin:00-wRq68hGv5HTtr6mBsfM4CG)
Notes: Look into the README files on the modules for more commands on test/debug
- MaskRCNN - README from Github
- Deep Planteome - Module Instructions