Rancher 2.0 Setup (with Kubernetes engine)¶
- Why Docker Container ??
- A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. A Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings.
Why Kubernetes ?? K8s ??
- Kubernetes provides a container-centric management environment. It orchestrates computing, networking, and storage infrastructure on behalf of user workloads.
- Why Rancher ??
- Rancher combines everything an organization needs to run containers in production and centrally manage multiple Kubernetes clusters
- Rancher includes a full Kubernetes distribution, but adds value around Kubernetes in three key areas: Cluster Operations and Management, Intuitive Workload Management, and Enterprise Support.
Nomenclature (Kubernetes like)¶
Rancher 2.0 Guide to provisioning a Kubernetes cluster which uses the Kubernetes container-orchestration system to
Name | Kubernetes concepts |
Container | Pod (Simplest Kubernetes object representing a set of containers on the cluster) |
Services | Workload (Units of work that are running on the cluster, these can be pods or deployments) |
Load Balancer | Ingress |
Stack | Namespace (A virtual cluster) |
Environment | Project (Administration)/Cluster (Compute machines that run containerized applications) |
Host | Node (Physical or virtual machines making up the cluster) |
Catalog | Helm |
A. Cluster Description¶
- Deployment Google Slides
B. Lets Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04¶
- Bind the hostname to the IP address by creating an A record in DNS
- Letsencrypt ACME challenge at TCP/80 on host
- Open up firewall for this "sudo ufw allow 80 && sudo ufw allow 80 443"
- Verify the port 80 availability
sudo netstat -peanut | grep ":80"
- Setup certificates at /etc/letsencrypt
sudo certbot certonly --standalone --dry-run \ --cert-name loup.ece.ucsb.edu -d loup.ece.ucsb.edu
C. Master Rancher 2.0¶
Install/Startup Rancher: https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/single-node/ - Rancher etcd data persisted at /var/lib/rancher - Since port 80 is occupied by rancher/rancher, a rancher/rancher-agent cannot be run on this node.
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \ -p 8080:80 -p 8443:443 \ -v /var/log/rancher/auditlog:/var/log/auditlog \ -v /host/rancher:/var/lib/rancher \ -e AUDIT_LEVEL=1 \ rancher/rancher:stable
- You will have rancher accessible at https://loup.ece.ucsb.edu:8443 if everything goes fine
- Create the YAML configuration based on docker-compose.yaml (In case of migration)
- Create an access key for Rancher CLI operations (Doesnt work on self-signed certs)
- endpoint : https://loup.ece.ucsb.edu:8443/v3
- access-key: token-xt47w
- secret-key: < >
- bearer-tok: token-xt47w: < >
Migration CLI¶
- Download the docker-compose and rancher-compose.yml files from existing rancher user interface for migration https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/v1.6-migration
- Migration using CLI tools
migration-tools export --url <RANCHER_URL> --access-key <RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY> \ --secret-key <RANCHER_SECRET_KEY> --export-dir <EXPORT_DIR>
./migration-tools parse --docker-file compose/docker-compose.yml \ --rancher-file compose/rancher-compose.yml
D. Setup Cluster RKE/custom-nodes¶
Port requirements¶
Open up ports based on the CNI provider requirements - Use Canal as the provider in this case
# API/UI Clients sudo ufw allow 22,80,443/tcp # Etcd Plane Nodes sudo ufw allow 2379,2380,9099,6443/tcp && sudo ufw allow 8472/udp # Control Plane Nodes sudo ufw allow 2379,2380,10250,6443,9099,10254/tcp && sudo ufw allow 8472/udp # Worker Plane Nodes sudo ufw allow 6443,9099,10254/tcp && sudo ufw allow 8472/udp # Workload sudo ufw allow 30000:32767/tcp && sudo ufw allow 30000:32767/udp # Others sudo ufw allow 2376/tcp
Create cluster¶
- Create a cluster in rancher-ui named "bq-cluster"
- Select "custom" local/remote nodes option to create this cluster
- Run the below command for running the rancher-agent/workers
sudo docker run -d --privileged --restart=unless-stopped --net=host \ -v /etc/kubernetes:/etc/kubernetes -v /var/run:/var/run \ rancher/rancher-agent:v2.1.6 --server https://loup.ece.ucsb.edu:8443 \ --token 7z2ncgjj4482m48fpsj7xjmc8lc9n6bsxh7qcjrsr6rcxrzhzl6prz \ --ca-checksum d522680b13d7aabe4dc57bb2776e28759852c336d0cf0e0f9fed5d3fb7b495e8 \ --etcd --controlplane --worker
The final "bq-cluster" state can be visualized upon creation
A docker ps on a node of the cluster (as created above) would look like below screenshot
Add more nodes as worker, by running above command on those nodes so that they register with the rancher2 and become part of this cluster. The nodes on a cluster can be visualized in rancher cluster -> nodes menu.
Create a namespace bqdev within this cluster¶
Bisque Development environment where workloads are deployed and tested
E. Setup Volume¶
- Mount the host directory for volume using NFS and setup the nfs client access for the cluster https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-nfs-mount-on-ubuntu-16-04
- Setup folders
# Create the path on host system sudo mkdir /opt/bisque/ -p && \ sudo mkdir /opt/bisque/data -p && \ sudo mkdir /opt/bisque/local/workdir -p # Allow other users to edit this sudo chown -R nobody:nogroup /opt/bisque/
- Open up the ports used by NFS
# Access from specific machines sudo ufw allow from to any port nfs sudo ufw allow from to any port nfs # Specific ports in case above doesnt work sudo ufw allow 32768:65535/tcp && sudo ufw allow 32768:65535/udp sudo ufw allow 2049/tcp && sudo ufw allow 2049/udp sudo ufw allow 111/tcp && sudo ufw allow 111/udp
- Now add NFS host configuration at /etc/exports
/opt/bisque,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) /opt/bisque,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
- restart the nfs server on the NFS host machine
sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server
- Mount the NFS folder on the client machine
sudo mount /run/bisque/
- Verify the mount on a client system using df -h
AND https://www.claudiokuenzler.com/blog/786/rancher-2.0-create-persistent-volume-from-nfs-share
- Create a persistent volume in the cluster
- Set local path option on the node as /run/bisque
- We can see all the volumes that are created in the Volumes section of the "bq-cluster" workload
F. Setup Workload (on the cluster)¶
Bisque Test environment where workloads are deployed with open NodePort https://rancher.com/managing-kubernetes-workloads-with-rancher-2-0/
- We will be using the image at custom registry biodev.ece.ucsb.edu:5000/ucsb-bisque05-svc or we can use a publicly deployed image at https://hub.docker.com
Test workload configuration¶
- Name: ucsb-bisque05-svc
- Pods: 2
- Docker Image : biodev.ece.ucsb.edu:5000/bisque-caffe-xenial:dev or vishwakarmarhl/ucsb-bisque05-svc:dev
- Port Mapping:
- 8080-tcp-NodePort-Random & 27000-tcp-NodePort-Random
- Alternately, we can use 8080-tcp-ClusterIP(Internal)-Same & 27000-tcp-ClusterIP(Internal)-Same
- Environment Variables: Copy paste the "Environment Configuration" section
- Node Scheduling: Run all the pods on a particular host
- Health Check: No change
- Volumes: Persistent Volume claim and set the mount point as /tmp/bisque
- Scaling: No change
- Command: (Only, in case needed. Not used with the current Image)
- Entrypoint: /builder/run-bisque.sh
- Command: bootstrap start
- Working Dir: /source
- Console: Interactive & TTY (-i -t)
- Networking: No Change
- Labels: No change
- Security: No change
Finally we can see the overall state of pods in the workload within the clusters
Environment Configuration¶
- Bisque service variables
BISQUE_USER= bisque BISQUE_BISQUE_ADMIN_EMAIL= admin@loup.ece.ucsb.edu BISQUE_BISQUE_BLOB_SERVICE_STORES= blobs,local BISQUE_BISQUE_STORES_BLOBS_MOUNTURL= file://$$datadir/blobdir/$$user/ BISQUE_BISQUE_STORES_BLOBS_TOP= file://$$datadir/blobdir/ BISQUE_BISQUE_STORES_LOCAL_MOUNTURL= file://$$datadir/imagedir/$$user/ BISQUE_BISQUE_STORES_LOCAL_READONLY= true BISQUE_BISQUE_STORES_LOCAL_TOP= file://$$datadir/imagedir/ BISQUE_DOCKER_DOCKER_HUB= biodev.ece.ucsb.edu:5000 BISQUE_SECRET= bq123 BISQUE_UID= 12027 BISQUE_RUNTIME_STAGING_BASE= /run/bisque/data/staging BQ__BISQUE__IMAGE_SERVICE__WORK_DIR= /run/bisque/local/workdir BQ__BISQUE__PATHS__DATA= /run/bisque/data MAIL_SERVER= dough.ece.ucsb.edu BISQUE_DBURL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive IMGCNV=imgcnv_ubuntu16_2.4.3
We should see the overview of workloads deployed as below
G. Load Balancing (using L7 Ingress)¶
- Add Ingress configuration for load balancing with name "bq-website"
Configure the target(ucsb-bisque05-svc) pods so that the port 8080 is exposed through the ingress controller
Load Balancing section of the workload will showcase the list of ingress controllers along with the mapping
H. Monitoring/Debugging¶
- Using cluster kubectl shell from the cluster web UI
# Fetch namespaces kubectl get pods --all-namespaces kubectl get pods -n bqdev # Fetch logs on a pod/container kubectl logs postgres-564d9f79d5-z2sxl -n bqdev
Use Cluster dashboard for all cluster monitoring and configuration
I. Uninstall Rancher¶
- Stop Rancher Containers
# Master: for the rancher server container docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ancestor=rancher/rancher:stable --format="{{.ID}}") # Workers: for all k8s containers docker stop $(docker ps -f name=k* --format="{{.ID}}")
- Clean the container, images and volumes
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -f name=k* --format="{{.ID}}") docker rmi -f $(docker images -q "rancher/*") docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
- Unmount and remove data (/var/lib/kubelet/pods/XXX, /var/lib/kubelet, /var/lib/rancher)
# Unmount directories for mount in $(mount | grep tmpfs | grep '/var/lib/kubelet' | awk '{ print $3 }') /var/lib/kubelet /var/lib/rancher; do sudo umount $mount; done # Clean the directories sudo rm -rf /etc/ceph \ /etc/cni \ /etc/kubernetes \ /opt/cni \ /opt/rke \ /run/secrets/kubernetes.io \ /run/calico \ /run/flannel \ /var/lib/calico \ /var/lib/etcd \ /var/lib/cni \ /var/lib/kubelet \ /var/lib/rancher/rke/log \ /var/log/containers \ /var/log/pods \ /var/run/calico # Mounted host directories sudo rm -rf /host/rancher/ sudo rm -rf /var/log/rancher/auditlog
- Remove the existing network interface
ip address show ip link delete <interface_name>
Additional References¶
1.) Mail server setup¶
2.) Migration from Rancher 1.x to 2.x¶
- individual workload/containers to rancher-kubernetes using rancher-cli (doesnt work with self-signed certificates) https://rancher.com/blog/2018/2018-08-02-journey-from-cattle-to-k8s/
3.) Reference on Ingress Controllers¶
Load Balancers add in workloads /k8s-in-rancher/load-balancers-and-ingress
Tried using built in Ingress for
bq-website.bqdev. but failed to work for engine service -
If you want to expose the workload container to outside world then use NodePort otherwise work with ClusterIp(Internal Only) port configuration
- https://rancher.com/blog/2018/2018-08-14-expose-and-monitor-workloads/
4.) PostgreSQL server¶
- Setup PostgreSql 10.4 on Rancher workload
- This is used in the Bisque configuration as environment variable BISQUE_DBURL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@