1 BisQue Cloud Service

Homepage of BisQue. The landing page of BisQue enables users to interact with sample datasets and view the current analysis modules implemented today.

BisQue is a web-based platform specifically designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for 5D image data. Users can extend Bisque with both data model and analysis extensions in order to adapt the system to local needs. Bisque’s extensibility stems from two core concepts: flexible metadata facility and an open web-based architecture. Together these empower researchers to create, develop and share novel bioimage analyses.

Bisque is implemented as a scalable and modular web-service architecture. Image Servers store and manipulate images. Data servers provide flexible metadata storage. Execution servers house executable modules. The client-server architecture seamlessly integrates services across storage and processing hardware. Communication between various components is performed in a RESTful manner through HTTP requests carrying XML and JSON. Web clients use dynamic web components built with AJAX. Backends seamlessly provide access to local resources as well as large scalable resources like Amazon S3 or iRODS for data storage or Condor grids for computation.