2.6 Python Setup

FILENAME: setup.py

The only changes to make in this file are naming. Specifically, this line:

docker_setup('Composite_Strength', 'TwoPhasePrediction', 'twophaseprediction', params=params)

NOTE: Before running python setup.py, please make sure that all the files are created and configured correctly. If not, save yourself hours of troubleshooting by going through the other file tutorials.

import sys
from bq.setup.module_setup import python_setup, docker_setup, require, read_config

def setup(params, *args, **kw):
    python_setup('PythonScriptWrapper.py', params=params)
    docker_setup('Composite_Strength', 'TwoPhasePrediction', 'twophaseprediction', params=params)
if __name__ =="__main__":
    params = read_config('runtime-bisque.cfg')
    if len(sys.argv)>1:
        params = eval (sys.argv[1])